
Working With Children Policy

The safety and wellbeing of all Club members is of upmost importance.    The PHSTKHC Working With Children Policy has been established to help ensure that the Club meets it obligations with respect to the Working with Children Act. The Policy establishes who must have a current WWCC in order to perform certain Club activities, and the WWCC Register lists persons who have a WWCC.  The current Register is under the working With Children main menu. If you need to get your WWCC please complete the following steps: STEP 1:  Apply for your free VOLUNTEER Working With Children Check (WWCC) at: STEP 2:  Once you have received your WWCC details, register your details with the Club at: You will need to enter…

2017 AGM

Dear Club members On Tuesday 21 November 2017, the Club AGM was held in accordance with the Club’s Constitution. I attach the AGM reports and the Minutes from the committee. Please take the time to read the reports because it is about you. The achievements at the Club are great and varied and the AGM is a time to thank the executive and the volunteers for their service. We all thanked retiring committee members Ben Skinner (ex-Treasurer for about 8 years!), Matt Defina (ex-Mens VP) position yet to be filled, Kendra Overall (ex-Womens VP), Lorna Utley (ex-Social), Natalie Ford (ex-Juniors President), and of course our wonderful Anne Cerche (ex-President) who retired after 9 years as President!  Thank you so much Anne. The new committee is…