Dear Club members
On Tuesday 21 November 2017, the Club AGM was held in accordance with the Club’s Constitution.
I attach the AGM reports and the Minutes from the committee. Please take the time to read the reports because it is about you.
The achievements at the Club are great and varied and the AGM is a time to thank the executive and the volunteers for their service.
We all thanked retiring committee members Ben Skinner (ex-Treasurer for about 8 years!), Matt Defina (ex-Mens VP) position yet to be filled, Kendra Overall (ex-Womens VP), Lorna Utley (ex-Social), Natalie Ford (ex-Juniors President), and of course our wonderful Anne Cerche (ex-President) who retired after 9 years as President! Thank you so much Anne.
The new committee is as follows, and I welcome and thank all new position holders in anticipation for their time and effort to the Club. These are all volunteered positions:
President: Eric Keser
Secretary: Lucy Fogarty
Treasurer: Bruce Potgieter
Women’s VP: Lydia Shortt
Men’s VP: * still required *
Masters’ VP: Jeni Beattie
Junior President: Nini Fornasiero
Club Promotion and Wellbeing: Kendra Overall
LEC Premier League & Vic League1: Anne Cerche
Social : TBA
Communications: Fiona Cousins
Partnerships: Alex Bruce
Mark Cerche was voted on as a life member and a tribute to his service to the Club, and support to Anne Cerche, can be found in the President’s report.
We also now have our new great looking pitch, and we can’t wait to try it out in the pre-season. I thank Minister Martin Foley, Andrew Skillern CEO Hockey Victoria, Port Phillip council member Andrew Bond, and the Port Philip administrative staff for their support getting the new surface.
Eric Keser
PHSK HC President